Success Stories
One of my most precious success stories is my time tutoring a very low fourth grader in math and reading. Seeing her develop more confidence was inspiring to me. Most of all, what she said to me touched my heart. She told me that I was the best tutor she ever had because I was patient with her and I didn't get frustrated or yell at her like her tutors in the past. Being able to be a kind and helpful tutor to her was beyond rewarding.
I had the privilege of tutoring a fifth grader this school year. She struggled with phonics and was reading at a very low level. Now that it is the end of the school year, her reading level increased by two grades! Helping her with this great growth has been truly rewarding.
In a public school in Ohio, I have successfully helped several third graders who were very low in phonics test out of phonics from the span of the beginning of the school year to right before winter break. These students improved a great deal in decoding words and understanding what they read.